Children’s Color Me Reading Books

Brooke & Lee’s brand of Color Me Reading books was created to be interactive learning materials for children of various ages and reading levels.  Each book has the following:

  • a story to be read by the child/ren or with help from an adult,
  • coloring pages to be completed,
  • and activities for the child/ren to enjoy.

We also have our Wisdom Wagon Collection.  This is a prayer devotional book series which is intended for children in grades one through 6 primarily.  They are filled with prayers, activities, and coloring for your kid to enjoy!

We also have songs that go with the books!  So check them out by pressing the “songs” button below.



songs & videos   

Order one for your little ones today!  We hope they enjoy our books!


If you would like to purchase our books, please send us an email at and we will let you know how to get them on island.

 Contact Us!


The primary focus of our books is to develop reading and comprehension skills in children. We provide books for parents to read along with them and those that they can learn to read with limited help.


Our intention is to have our readers involved in the reading experience by adding their own flair to the books. We also want to help children improve their coloring skills while enjoying the story.


This is just another way for the kiddies to get involved in the story. What can be better than to learn while you play?